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Level 2: Exploring the 27 Instinctual Types of the Enneagram

Level 2: Exploring the 27 Instinctual Types of the Enneagram

Thursday March 11th - Thursday May 6th, 2021

The Enneagram is 9-sided symbol used to represent the spectrum of possible personality types. This nuanced system offers a detailed map of the ways in which our unique personality can both enrich and hinder our personal and relational evolution.

Once we have a foundational understanding of the map, we can begin to explore the instinctual variants of each type. This deeper exploration reveals 27 subtypes within the original 9, adding subtlety and specificity to our understanding of the diverse landscapes of human personalities. This course is designed for those who have enrolled in Level 1 or already have a strong foundational understanding of the Enneagram. 

The course will be offered over 9 weeks and is comprised of 3 modules, each 3 weeks in length. The first module will focus on the body-centre triad (March 11th, 18th and 25th), the second will focus on the heart-centre triad (April 1st, 8th and 15th) and the third will focus on the head-centre triad (April  22nd, 29th and May 6th). You can register for the entire course or just one or two of the modules. 

Class times: There will be a live Zoom class Thursdays from 11am -12:30pm (PST) and Tuesdays from 7:00pm to 8pm (PST) will be a live discussion session on Zoom. Discussion sessions are focused gatherings to explore any questions that are coming up about the material. Sessions are optional and you’ll receive a recording of each.

Pay scale: Tier 1 is the regular price of the course for those whose income has not been affected by COVID-19 and who are able to make the investment. Tier 2 is the price for those whose income has been affected. Please pay the tier amount that feels workable in relation to your income and personal situation. There are two scholarships available; to apply, please email me with your intention for taking the course and your current situation. 

 All 3 modules (9 weeks): 

Tier 1: $325

Tier 2: $290

 Any 2 modules: (6 weeks):

Tier 1: $125

Tier 2: $185

 Any 1 module (3 weeks):

Tier 1: $140

Tier 2: $105

 Please pay in the currency of the country in which you reside. 

Payment can be made to via e-transfer or PayPal. Please indicate which workshop/module you’re registering for.